If you graduated (all US Military Services and civilians) from UWSS, were a staff member,at the UWSS Key West FL, you qualify to be a member! Associate memberships (non voting) only be a members recommendation.
Will somebody please send me a better copy of this picture! | ||
![]() |
The Fraternal Order of the Underwater Swimmers School Key West FL |
Reunion May 05 2002 |
. |
The Largest SEALs Photo Album in the entire WWW |
uwssreunionmay.htm |
"It pays to be a Winner!"
![]() |
![]() |
(Ret.), (GED) |
![]() by R.D. Russell (SEAL) & Pam in Ft. Collins, CO. |
" Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
This much we pledge - and more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.
Divided, there is little we can do - for we
dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder."
The Capitol, Washington, DC, Jan. 20, 1961
(exerpted from his Inaugural Speech)
"Today's Google News:" US Navy SEALs click on USNavy SEALs
Leif Babin awarded
Silver Star
"Otter" Otten SEAL volunteers to be jailed in
Santa Anna CA.
A. Monsoor, SEAL, KIA
; another good article on Mike
LT. Moki Martin
(SEAL) receives Award for Heroic Action in Vietnam
CPO Lance
M. Vaccaro (SEAL) killed in parachute landing fall (scroll
to bottom of page)
Don Mann (SEAL) SEAL
Training Adventures
Mike McQuillis Family you
will find Mike in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
US Submarines Trade
Nukes for SEALs
Navy Vice Adm. William
H. McRaven, Commander, Joint Special Operations Command
FIFTHs (1950)
Obituary Records and Frogman
Thomas J. Valentine,
37, SEAL,
Killed in Parachute accident
E. Koch and Nathan H. Hardy (SEALs) KIAs
Ariel Suffront (EOD) KIA Iraq, was working with SEALs
Senior Chief Thomas J. Valentine, 37, SEAL, Killed in Parachute accident
Ghane (SEAL)
Killed in Training
LINDA BALL's Photo ALbum, The best looking diver in the U.S. Navy !
Muster Ft.
Pierce 2007, Photo ALbum by
Per Erik "Swede" Tornblom (SEAL)
Dante's Down the
Jason D. Lewis
Sufolk Police
(SEAL)Elbert Tillman's Barn
filled with
Military-Grade Explosives
Pete "The Pirate"Carolan (SEAL) his PATRIOT
SEAL Art Studio
CPO Mark T. Carter
(SEAL) KIA in Iraq, Dec 2007; A Blog for
him here.
T. Carter, 27, was killed in Action Iraq Dec 2007
Marcus Colburn (SEAL)
broke every bone in his body
Booksigning, Lone
Survivor, Photo album of Katie Northrup
Michael P. Murphy,
MOH awarded posthumously. See the VIDEO!
JAVA Webs" by "Nightscribe" Mr .Rich Young God
Bless him. Thank you very much for all
your tributes to the U.S. Navy
SEALs Links.
Swim Fins for Super
Human Speeds
Mike McGreevy Scholarship
Joseph Di
Martino (SEAL) RIP, my friend; my teamate;
Would Designate the Ft. Pierce Museum the Official National Museum of Navy SEALs
Click on sign to go to the Album
Officer Nguyen Van Kiet
: Vietnam
War: “It was their country. They deserve respect.”When
Hollywood made a movie about the dramatic rescue of a downed American pilot
during the Vietnam War, it left one man out: the South Vietnamese navy officer
who was a key member of the rescue team.
note: the two links I had
were removed from the
internet, xin loi !
Mr. Steve Schwarzer ABS
Master bladesmith since 1983; Need a
GREAT Knife?
Steve Elson LCDR (SEAL) Ret.
SEALs on Submarines
Nick Rocha helps Teamates Families
Clark sets World Fitness
David Goggins (SEAL) wins
desert race
The Sole Survivor
SEAL Murphy, 29, was killed. So was SEAL Petty Officer
Danny Dietz, 25 and Matt Axelson .
But at
least one of the four Seals survived.
Photos of Luttrell are
The entire Photo Album
war hero from Huntsville, TX rues a decision made in Afghanistan
Jon Smart (SEAL) Rowing
Christopher L.Zevallos
Boesch (SEAL) Survivor I
FreeServer pages: Photos and stories on REAL U.S.Navy
U.S. Navy SEAL Training
Retspect by VC Col.
UWSS, Key West FL, the Unofficial web
site and
the REAL
- Navy Cross
Reunion CA 8/16/02
Reinbolt and
other SEALs in 'nam :
Boehm (SEAL) Photos
ST-2 Four KIA's
Tribute to Scotty
Slaughter, Shark Killer Extraordinaire
Vietnam War
Texan, John "Cheeze" Branchizio
(SEAL) Killed
David M. Tapper
Japan Vacation
272 new Navy
SEAL slots
U.S.Navy SEAL Workout
Panama, 4 KIAs
John Conners (SEAL)KIA Panama Fiasco
. More
& More HERE
also. "Doc" Moreno was seriously WIA, Panama
Larry Lyons, "On The Road
To Be a USNavy SEAL
Photo Album Ft. Pierce FL Muster
Muster 2005,
Photo Album , Ft. Pierce Florida
$6.1 million center may keep
Navy SEALs closer to home
wear new ratings
Bush Discusses Global
War on Terror
to Little Creek considered for SEAL center
![]() muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_ |
Robert Kerry
SEAL (MOH) and the Bloody Legacy of Vietnam
USNavy SEALs and much more, is your name HERE?
Jesse's Dangerous
Game ; about his Propaganda for his election to Governor of
Does Coronado California Train
Field Medical Service School in Camp
Lejeune N.C. (Montfort Point Universityfor FMF Docs)
Blackwater, some of Doc
Riojas Photos
Blackwater: Profitable Patriotism
site; Mr. Prince
Speaks; . . . . . . Mr.Prince on the Investigation
Mr. Prince fires back at Congress
Toys for Sale !
Sep 2007: Attack on Blackwater is Attack on... Petraeus
Rock Blais
LCDR (SEAL) dies in parachute accident
Boehm my 1st Class DV friend for life
more here on : VERISEAL
Up SEALs” - Misusing special-warfare assets. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1693407/posts
Erasmo "Doc" Riojas: The
Frog Puddle Photo Album Join in and add your photos here
Global Special Operations
Growth Spurt for the U.S. Navy SEALs says SEAL Admiral
Bureaucracy Hampers War
on Terror says SEAL Admiral
How the U.S. Navy SEALs
2004 FO/UWSS
Tiger Woods visits SpecWarGruCoronado
Global Special Operations,
SEAL info
Lt. Cmdr. Michael J. Walsh,
(SEAL)U.S. Navy (ret.)
Global Special
LCDR Steve Elson (SEAL) an
Jose Taylor LCDR (SEAL) and the Biet
Hai in Vietnam
U.S. Navy SEALs, How
Their Stuff Works
Sailors Stumble Through Hell
in the early years of the
birth of the "BUD." Officers wore a Gold color
version in UDT. IF you wanna buy one go
HERE! the NAVYSEALS.com Store. tell them
Doc Rio sent you for you 00% discount.
The Vietnam Wall FAQ
and MANY answers
. LT Paul Noah Salerni, USN (Ret.) RIP |
uwssreunionmay.htm |
This is my hobby. I know that I am crazy! I do this to keep from going insane ! Doc "El Locquito" Riojas
some people say; "I am wasting my money!" I would not do it if I could take it with me!
I am a Lover, a Fighter, an
All American USNavy UDT - SEAL Diver
Contents of "Mi Vida Loca" de Erasmo "Doc" Riojas
En |
C U A U H T E M O C "Temo"
Texas Photo Gallery
Bill Simpson
Northeast Baptist
Julia Vera ,
Laredo TX Hollywood Actress
Julia Vera,
Movie Star, native of Laredo TX
Erasmo Elias "Doc" Riojas, The origins of these
beautiful names
Jesus "Chuy" Segovia's Laredo TX Photo
Title Com MHS La Pithaya
links 1916 to 2006
"Pecha" Gutierrez , MHS Tiger
Hall of Fame, Photo Album
Adamo Photo Albums
Military Glossary
Army Troop Organization
Squad -- The smallest military unit, it usually consists of 10 to 11 soldiers.
Platoon -- A platoon is usually four squads. Platoons are usually led by
lieutenants, with sergeants serving as their second-in-command.
Company -- Companies consist of four platoons, a headquarters and some
logistical staff. They are normally commanded by captains.
Battalion -- A battalion is usually made up of four to five companies, including
a support company and a headquarters company.
Brigade -- A brigade is a collection of battalions, usually 2,000 to 3,000
troops. Brigades are most often commanded by a colonel.
Division -- There are at least three brigades in a division. They are usually
commanded by a major general.
Corps -- Made up of two to five divisions, corps are the largest tactical units
in the U.S. Army.
Marine Organization
The Marine Corps, a branch of the Navy, has some unit classifications that are
Marine Expeditionary Force -- An expeditionary force is made up of two or three
divisions of Marines. The force is usually deployed on helicopter carriers or
amphibious assault ships. Its equipment and weaponry includes tanks, artillery,
Harrier jump jets and attack helicopters.
Marine Expeditionary Unit -- Each marine division is known separately as a
Marine Expeditionary Unit. The unit usually includes a battalion landing team,
helicopter squadron and support unit.
Other Links |
Wakeup! U. S. A!
Navy SEALs
to Erasmo
"Doc" Riojas'
SEAL Teamates.
A large collection of SEAL photos & articles from Newspapers,
and from the men themselves also.
Send your contributions to webmaster:
This LINK for you "Old Salts" who graduated from the U.S.Army's Ft. Benning Parachute Training School. You may still remember the song. |
Supporting our Fallen Heroes - THE PATRIOT GUARD
![]() |
Thomas D. Segel is a Texan, now of Harlingen TX, USMC (Ret) |
In Memory of
"Boun- http://www.soft-vision.com/lrrp Col. Ted W. Guy, 4-18-29 to 4-23-99 - Never
Forgotten Col. Gordon "Swede" Larson Col. Lou Makowski http://www.soft-vision.com/hanoi/makowski US Army Ranger/Advisor to BDQ http://www.soft-vision.com/ranger The Frogs Puddle: http://docrioseal.soft-vision.com Wannabe's and Patriot Guard Riders: http://www.soft-vision.com/guard/ Restoring Honor Wannabe Slayers: http://want2be.info We must reserve the right not to tolerate
the intolerant tollerant. |
Lane Sampley
Have you ever been to Dong Tam on the MyTho River in Vietnam? click on LINK ! It was Bob "Eagle" Gallagher , I and others who got wounded in the wargames 'nam, we each got MedEvac helicopter rides into DONG TAM"s U.S.Army's MASH hospital. Dong Tam was a few miles from MyTho where we were living in the Hotel Carter Billet. I was not seriously wounded, so I wanted to go home. Lt. Pat Patterson (SEAL) visited me but he would not help me escape so the next day I stole some clothing from their Medical Officers cloths line, and I hitched hiked a ride to MyTho. I could not find shoes that fit me so I wore hospital slippers. DaiWee Pete Peterson(SEAL) said that he would keep me out of trouble and I responded, "what can they do, sendme to Vietnam?" Good old days when SEALs were the "Beer/Whiskey Generation." "Make Love and War!" |
Korean War vets missing from popular culture: America's prime transmitter
of cultural "values" has ignored the 1.8 million Americans who
served in the 1950-53 war even during the 50th anniversary years.(portrayal of
Korean War veterans in literature, film, television, media )
| From: VFW Magazine | Date: August 1, 2003 | Author: Van Ells, Mark D. The Korean War was a crucial moment in American history. When the United States sent troops to stop Communist North Korea's invasion of South Korea in June 1950, it signaled the nation's determination to check the spread of communism. It was the first war fought under the authority of the United Nations. American troops remain in Korea today. But sandwiched between the titanic scope of World War II and the vitriolic debate over Vietnam, the Korean War never really captured the public imagination. The year 2003 marks the 50th anniversary of the armistice ending the fighting in Korea. In that half century, the image of the Korean War veteran at the movies and on television remains vague, imprecise and influenced by the experiences of other wars. The Korean War is the "Forgotten War" in popular culture, too. Korean War films of the 1950s and early 1960s were much like the scores of WWII movies popular at the time, but modified to meet the realities of Korea. The typical "melting pot" platoon, for example, now included black Americans and those of Japanese ancestry, acknowledging the racial integration of the armed forces. New technologies also made appearances, such as helicopters in Battle Taxi (1955) and jet aircraft in films like Sabre Jet (1953), Jet Attack (1958) and most notably The Bridges of Toko-Ri (1954) based on the novel by James Michener. In reality, the Korean War differed from WWII in many respects. For one, it was not nearly as large. The war directly involved 1.8 million Americans, as opposed to the 16 million who served in WWII. Indeed, Korea was often referred to as a "police action" and not a war at all. Korea was a remote country unknown to most Americans. Although most Americans accepted the logic of Cold War containment, the primary adversary in their minds was the Soviet Union; Korea seemed to be merely a sideshow or prelude to a larger war. Its ambiguous conclusion--a cease-fire remarkably close to the prewar boundaries--also lacked the decisiveness of WWII. To Americans, the Korean War was an uncertain and unsatisfying affair. Hollywood Takes the Dark Side Hollywood dealt with the ambiguities of the war by sidestepping them or ignoring them altogether. Korean War films tended to avoid the war's "big picture" and focused instead on small groups of fighting men--often lost or isolated units--in films such as Fixed Bayonets (1951), Combat Squad (1953) and Hold Back the Night (1956). In Pork Chop Hill (1959), Gregory Peck stars as a junior officer fighting the military bureaucracy, as well as the Communists, in a seemingly meaningless battle late in the war. During the battle one young officer asks pointedly, "Is this hill worth it?" The men agree that it is, but only because they had fought so hard to take it, and not for any larger goals. Many Korean War films fall into the film-noir style that was popular after WWII. Film-noir is characterized by dark psychological dramas in which the motives and morals of the protagonists are unclear and troubling. These films often take place in exotic settings, and contain shadowy lighting and uncomfortable camera angles that elicit feelings of anxiety, loneliness and vulnerability. In the 1951 film The Steel Helmet, for example, Gene Evans stars as Sgt. Zach, a battle-hardened WWII "retread" who teams up with some inexperienced soldiers to establish an observation post in a Buddhist temple. But beneath Zach's tough-as-nails exterior is a softhearted man who befriends a Korean boy, removes his helmet before a gigantic statue of Buddha and orders that the temple not be damaged. In the midst of battle, Zach breaks down, flashing back to D-Day. Zach is bitterly critical of a green lieutenant. When the lieutenant is killed, Zach mournfully places his lucky steel helmet (it has stopped a bullet in a previous engagement) on his grave. The Korean War also took place at a time when fears of disloyalty and domestic subversion had reached hysterical proportions. The war fueled such fears. During the war, the Communists beat and tortured American POWs, and then pressured them to sign "confessions" denouncing the American cause. Only a small fraction of POWs "confessed," but news reports and political opportunists seemed to suggest that Korean War soldiers routinely collaborated with the Communists, perhaps contributing to the war's uncertain conclusion. The concern that Korean War veterans might have been "brainwashed" by the Communists was the subject of several films, most notably The Manchurian Candidate (1962). Frank Sinatra plays Capt. Marco, a Korean War officer who leads a patrol and is taken prisoner. The Communists brainwash Marco and his men, erasing any memory of their captivity. One of the men, Staff Sgt. Shaw (Lawrence Harvey), is programmed to carry out political assassinations back home. Marco unravels the plot after the true nature of his captivity comes back in his dreams. The Manchurian Candidate has been acclaimed as one of the best political thrillers ever made. However, Korean War veterans have charged that the film only reinforced the erroneous public notion that Korean War veterans were collaborators. Portrayals of the war's veterans as weak-minded and psychologically unbalanced came to symbolize the war for many Americans and anticipated public perceptions of Vietnam veterans. Influence of M*A*S*H The Vietnam War also has shaped popular images of the Korean War. The 1970 comedy classic M*A*S*H focused on the exploits of undisciplined Army surgeons near the front lines. Though set in Korea, the language and looks of the hospital staff are reminiscent of Vietnam. In fact, the film is an impressionistic journey into the behavior of men and women under the unusual circumstances of war. It reflected the growing public cynicism about military authority in the Vietnam years. The television program M*A*S*H, which aired from 1972 to 1983, was the most extensive look at the Korean War in American popular culture. The TV show did a better job of portraying the war than the film. For example, several episodes dealt with issues like McCarthyism and fears of subversion. However, most of the program's storylines could have come from the Vietnam War, or from any war--boredom punctuated by intense activity, the tragic tales of the wounded, the absurdities of bureaucracy, the gulf between soldiers and civilians. Anyone who has ever been associated with the military can appreciate the humor of M*A*S*H. But once again, the audience learns precious little about the Korean War. In the decades since Vietnam, the American entertainment industry has devoted considerable time and money to portrayals of war. As a nation, we have celebrated the 50th anniversary of WWII (Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers) and reexamined our painful experience in Vietnam (most recently, We Were Soldiers) on both the big and small screens. Korea is once again missing in action. Since Vietnam, Hollywood has released no more than a dozen films related to the Korean War. In some films, like MacArthur (1977) and For the Boys (1991), Korea is just one of many conflicts depicted. Inchon (1981), a portrayal of the brilliant 1950 amphibious invasion, was a box office flop and labeled by one critic "quite possibly the worst movie ever made." With no clear public images of the Korean War, both Hollywood and the American public barely acknowledge it. The lack of public recognition for their sacrifices has rankled many Korean War veterans. "I know teachers who never knew there was a Korean War," complained one Missouri veteran. As the nation marks the Korean War's 50th anniversary, Hollywood continues to churn out movies about WWII and Vietnam. Perhaps one day the Korean War will be the subject of an insightful, widely circulated film that does justice to the significance of the conflict and to those who served in it. As one veteran from Florida noted, "It's nice to be remembered." MARK D. VAN ELLS, author of To Hear Only Thunder Again, is an assistant history professor at Queensborough Community College in Bayside, N.Y. COPYRIGHT 2003 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
"Doc" Riojas' HELL Weeks were in Korea ! Too many to count !
Have you seen some of the pictures on my UWSS Key West Web Site? to see them go HERE!
click on tabs to go to page
WebTV at Eagles Nest II - Texas Slayer LINKS from Joe Oliver
Today's News about:U.S.Navy SEALs |
photo INDEX of Pages click on tabs to go to page
click on tabs to go to page
Smallest Photo Ablum of Ole SEALs
Mi Vida Loca - Copyright ©1998 - All Right Reserved email me at: el_ticitl @ yahoo.com Erasmo "Doc" Riojas
"wasn't he lovely."
Erasmo "Doc" Riojas taken in Saigon RVN on R&R : 'nam war games
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